Proceedings are now available online!
LNCS is now available online!
Caepia Speaker Guidelines <------------- IMPORTANT NEWS!!
XIX Conference of the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence (CAEPIA)
September 22-24, 2021. Malaga
This year CAEPIA is being held in the context of the 6th Spanish Congress on Computer Science (CEDI 2020), which includes many events and activities related to Computer Science, with greater visibility and social impact.

The Conference of the Spanish Association of Artificial Intelligence (CAEPIA) is a biennial forum open to researchers from all over the world to present and discuss their latest scientific and technological advances in Artificial Intelligence (A.I.). Authors are kindly requested to submit unpublished original papers describing relevant research on A.I. issues from all points of view: formal, methodological, technical, or applied.
Within CAEPIA, the Doctoral Consortium is organized, a forum for doctoral students to interact with other researchers by discussing their thesis project. We encourage students to participate!
CAEPIA does its best to endorse quality by giving special publicity to works that have been highlighted by the reviewers. For this, there will be several awards in all the events we organize, so that the works and researchers (emerging or consolidated ones) can transmit to the rest of the participants their special effort in making an impact investigation. These awards will be granted according to purely scientific criteria, and will consist of an accrediting diploma plus an economic bonus that may vary according to the event in question.
With the aim of highlighting the practical importance of A.I., the fourth competition on mobile Apps with A.I. techniques is being held as well as a video competition: it is a unique opportunity to have a greater impact for your research!
Welcome to the 20/21st edition of CEDI and CAEPIA in Malaga!
Conferences & Workshops
Several federated conferences and workshops will take place under the scope of CAEPIA:
- XX Spanish Congress on Fuzzy Logic and Technologies (ESTYLF 20/21)
- XIV Spanish Congress on Metaheuristics, Evolutionary and Bioinspired Algorithms (MAEB 20/21)
- X Symposium of Theory and Applications of Data Mining (TAMIDA 20/21)
CAEPIA is open to the proposal of new workshops ( and other events (see Important dates).
Plenary Speakers
CAEPIA 20/21 will offer plenary talks given by outstanding researchers in different areas. They are scheduled in a joint session with all the conferences participating in the CAEPIA multiconference.
Welcome to Malaga!
Enrique Alba
General Chair of CAEPIA 20/21
Important Dates
Workshops proposal reception
15 March
Submission for LNAI
19 April
Notification Due: May 7, 2021.
Final version Due: May 15, 2021.
Submission of general papers for Conferences
28 May
Notification Due: June 15, 2021.
Final version Due: June 20, 2021.
Key Works
28 May
Notification Due: June 15, 2021.
Final version Due: June 20, 2021.
Doctoral Consortium
14 June
Notification Due: June 15, 2021.
Final version Due: June 20, 2021.
Submission for the Apps & Video Competitions
28 May
Expression of interest: May 28, 2021
Notification Due: June 15, 2021.
Document final version Due: June 20, 2021
App / Video Due: September 7, 2021.